Special Edition: Huda’s Secret Techniques!

This past week we traveled all the way to Doha, Qatar for the @HudaBeauty Masterclass! We had a blast hanging with Huda and her team, and we really loved learning all her tips and tricks for making-up the perfect face.
While it is no mystery that Huda - or as we like to call her the priestess of the pout, has already proven her devotion to contouring with the release of her Lip Contouring Pencils and her countless contouring tutorials, we found her master class to celebrate the contouring concept with even more admiration than ever!
Huda’s techniques all related to one key concept...CONTOURING - yes, that is right...no wonder we love her so damn much!
- Contour during your prep and priming phase. Huda walked through an in depth process of prepping the skin. She spent a considerable amount of time on this step, but once we saw the finished product we realized why! Huda suggested that prepping and priming products are not meant for all parts of the face and that when prepping your face, you should really take into consideration the skin type and assess any trouble areas. While this may seem somewhat obvious, we are all guilty of hearing of a miracle priming or moisturising product and glopping it on. Huda says STOP!
- Think contour when executing your eye color correcting and eyeshadow application. We had a few ah-ha moments during this portion of the seminar. Huda has a very common sense approach to making up the face, but in a way that only a true expert would be able to recognize. Huda suggested that color correcting the eye space is just as valuable as the addition of eyeshadow itself, as you will work twice as hard and layer more product to achieve that perfectly sculpted lid if you don’t start with a neutral base. You can contour with correctors and shadow shades to completely redefine and construct your eye shape and size.
- Building out your brow contour for perfect symmetry. Huda executed a technique when contouring the brows that we have never seen before. She works on the middle of each brow, left to right, and then works her way out to the ends, left to right, and finally, she perfects the beginning of the brows. She does this to contour the brows so that they mirror each other and really highlight the face and enhance or create much needed symmetry. We loved this as it really anchored the symmetrical balance on the face overall.
- Contouring your nose and face is NOT one size fits all - it’s not even one face type fits all! We loved this part of the class, not only because this is valuable information for all, but because Huda took the time to address specific questions from guests about their nose shapes and sizes and answered how best to contour away their abstract appendages. Huda displayed techniques, using the Aesthetica Contour kits in both cream and powder, that minimized overall nose size, reconstructed nostril shape, and literally removed the appearance of any bumps on the bridge.
- Contour your strobe for the perfect glow. Huda had a very unique technique for strobing that we thought you might love! She suggests that while a universally light and almost white shade is needed to really create the strobed look, that it should always be accompanied by a strobing hue that is complementary to the skin tone. By contouring the strobe with two shades, you not only give depth to the contour but you are able to add dimension to the light attracting technique and further soften the glow.
OK, so maybe we are contour-centric… but do you see what we mean?! All we heard from this glam goddess was contour, contour, CONTOUR! Needless to say, we were on the edge of our seats.
While we fully advocate you experiencing this event in person, we don’t want you to wait until her next class to get more on these topics and the other techniques that Huda detailed in her Masterclass. Until additional dates are released, we suggest that you head to the link below and subscribe to her upcoming web release - trust us when we say this is time VERY well spent!
Subscribe to the Huda Beauty Masterclass, powered by LIVEGLAM: http://liveglam.com/huda-masterclass/
If you’d like some more tips, tricks, and looks from Huda check out www.hudabeauty.com and follow her on IG: @hudabeauty and @shophudabeauty! If you execute any of these tips don’t forget to tag us in your before and after photos and use hashtags: #HUDAxAESTHETICA, #hudabeautymasterclassdoha, and #aestheticacosmetics
Claudia Rodriguez
April 07 2016
Love your products, been using them for 6 months and I am a fan……
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