Holiday Mani’s - Do’s and Dont’s!

We all have that friend, that can take an adorable themed manicure way too far...feel free to forward this to them. If that is you, read below - maybe read it twice! Not judging, just loving.
- DO use metallic and nude tones to offset those oh-so-bright holiday colors.
- DO incorporate black and blue! These colors are not only classic, but they double nicely as a NYE look.
- DO be merry and bright by mixing in festive nail art. Use this time of year to break free from your taupe trend.

- DON’T bling out EVERY nail. Overkill is neither trendy or tactful. Stop it, no.
- DON’T feel like you have to theme your mani. There is nothing more classic, at this time of year, than a rudolph red or a glamourous gold.
- DON’T stick, press, or glue anything on your undeserving digits! If you’re not able to execute an embellished mani, and you don’t want to go to the salon, your best best is to simply apply a hint of glitz with a layer or two of glitter polish. Easy-peasy!
Here are a few videos that are sure to get the approval of your tribe, and be applauded at your holiday gathering:
Plaid Nails by Trendy Polish, applied with Formula X Polish:
Midnight Jazz Nails by JINsoon:
Essie Decked in Diagonals Nail Art: